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Energy healing training
Emotional intelligence training
Mindfulness Meditation teaching training
Basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner
Master practitioner in Neuro-linguistic
Programming Hypnosis; a tool for exploring the inner world
Training on the Enneagram; The Enneagram is a tool that suggests the existence of 9 personality types
My job consists of identifying from this tool which type corresponds to the person who consults in order to better support them in their development. The identification of these personality types does not correspond to the assessment of mental disorders allowing the identification of personality disorders as listed in diagnostic classification manuals. This latter assessment is reserved under professional laws.
Training in Mind-Mapping and heuristic schemes; use the power of mental images to achieve the client's goal.
Limbic Coaching; Reprogramming the limbic brain to neutralize an encoded limiting emotion
Benchmarks in psycho-pathology and Law 21; detect the pathology to better refer it
Training in Solutions Oriented Approach; The power to direct one's attention to the solution (instead of the problem)
mBraining Coaching
Access Bars®
Shinrin-Yoku: Japanese Forest Bathing Therapy
Modern tantrism
Intensive training on Diessity and Personocracy (inner power of each person) with Diesse Ghis (formerly Guylaine Lanctôt)
Therapeutic Touch Training
Training in Akashic Memories levels I, II and III in Malaysia (May)
Training in Akashic Memories level IV in France (July)
Refresh levels I & II Akashic Memories in Quebec (November)
Certified professional coach in Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (NLP)
Limbic Coaching Solution Oriented Approach (SOA)
mBraining Coaching
Therapeutic Touch Practitioner
Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
Access Bars® Practitioner
Benchmarks in Psycho-pathologies
Practitioner in Applied Neurosciences
Consultant in Akashic Records