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Schedule a call today to tell me about your wellness project! 450 278-8758

World Wide Corporate Coaching
My corporate approach
Corporate teams are composed of individual human beings dealing with complex personal inside worlds. By becoming conscious of what they hold, they can choose to heal, let go of what slow them down and shine in all the fields of their life. Over the past 10 years, I have made of these matters my top guidelines to accompany with success hundreds of clients and co-create positive and life-changing transformations

Connection to the Self
Discover who you truly are
Learn to use your intuition
Establish who you want to be
Identify your core values
Align the 3 intelligences: brain,
heart and guts

Love of the Self
Acknowledge your qualities & strengths
Highlight and care for your childhood burdens
Identify your healthy boundaries
Forgive yourself to let go of any weight
Evaluate and reinforce your self-esteem
Recognize your feelings and understand their messages to build self-trust

Realization of the Self
Discover what makes you thrive
Establish a strategic plan to accomplish your projects & dreams
Identify thoughts and beliefs that are no longer
serving you & change them
Learn to nourish the different parts in you
Develop new personal traits to better reach targets
Let go of your sad story
Build a fulfilling life
Build your excellence zone in order to succeed
in what's important to you

Building meaningful relationships
Learn about others by taking up roles
Identify my needs behind my feelings
Communicate them and listen to others through Nonviolent Communication
Improve the quality of my presence with others
Connect, love and realize yourself to adopt a trustful position with your colleagues

Blooming of the Self
Acknowledge and appreciate the current abundance in your life
Let go of the weight put by others
Learn to create inner space to be free from the outside interferences
Transcend your limiting emotions to get back to self-balance
Integrate powerful tools to monitor your wellness level & stay focus on your goals

My name is Claudine Labelle. I am a renowned Certified NLP Coach in Québec, Canada
Since 2015, I have accompanied hundreds of people in reaching their wellness goals through group workshops and individual counseling. I have specialized in self-love as the cornerstone of a fulfilling and successful life - at home and at work.
I am known for my solution oriented approach, focusing on my client goals and the obstacles that prevent them from experiencing the success that awaits them.
I am now taking my very personal approach oversea to enhance individual wellness through the place they spend most of their time; the office.
Experience has shown it :
Take care of your employees and they'll take care of your business!
To learn about my credentials, click here
Our Services

Premium Staff Retreat
Intensive development workshop
3 days in a retreat center
Professionally conducted
Local and healthy meals
Thematic Workshops
1/2 to full day workshops
at the office
Program to enhance your staff skills & behaviours.
Schedule a call today to
personalize offer.

Individual VIP Sessions
VIP formula
Promote personal success & enhanced mental health with the
3 individual coaching sessions in 3 weeks
These high-ranked skills are wanted by employers. In fact, they are required to always keep you above competition.
But how can you get your valued employees on this track, and help them stick to it?
Help them at the personal level
This is why I am here for.

Schedule a call to check your eligibility to our programs.
Claudine will be in Malaysia in september and october 2024.
Book this opportunity today!

Coaching is a fast and powerful counseling technique because it focuses on the solutions, rather of problems. When employees solve what has been adding weight into their personal life they :
Have more initiative and creativity trusting their gut to solve bigger matters
Tend to engage a lot more in their role, increasing the impact of what they do
Feel more joyful and have access to their genuine loving nature, bringing positivity into their work
Have more clarity of mind, openness and flexibility to improve their ways of doing
Build stronger relationships, based on respect, goodwill and cooperation